Wednesday, August 17, 2011

from sky to ground see the universe connected from the inside

Well, it looks like this blog is turning out to be a photo journal.  I'd like to write more about our experiences each weekend, but that is just not seeming possible as I try to keep my head above water out here in the real world.  I find I am increasingly behind in even writing e-mails back to people, I am missing birthdays, and I am not wanting to be on the computer outside of work lately. So how can I expect to blog?

But photos seem like a fun journey for me.  I hope you enjoy them.

When I watch these videos my heart fills up to overflowing.  I am blessed with the land.  I am blessed with my family.  I am blessed with my friends. I am blessed by our animal companions.  I am blessed that I have enough food to eat.  I am blessed that I can walk up these mountains.

Last weekend we had our second work/play weekend.  We had two big make-shift stairs from the house to the upper waterfall trail, and two--clearing the debris off the beautiful rock garden that scales the mountain by the creek.  And we were successful!!

The second video I made was a compilation of two visits that I hadn't had a chance to blog about.  The first was a couple of weeks ago with my parents.  We enjoyed exploring more, like we love to do.  The second half of the photos were from earlier this summer with friends visiting, and finishing with Michael's family visit in which I only captured the flower arrangements that we collected from the property before I spent the weekend taking pictures with no data card in the camera :(

So I hope you enjoy!

We do!

Thank you for being in my life.


  1. Hey--even if you don't have time to write a post, a picture is still worth a thousand words!

  2. Evie, my dear, every post with your family and our friends tugs at my heart, makes me want to be there, lending a hand every weekend, feeling the love, the joy, the camaraderie that I miss here, so far away. We miss you all, will be there by February.

  3. My heart just filled to overflowing. Thank you, Evie.
